Direct contact with ancient teachings and philosophies such as Zen, Buddhism and Tantra, coupled with an abiding interest in the study on the behaviour of the human mind and feelings, this plastic artist is in constant change and evolution in the style of her work, experimenting with different and original techniques. This search has led to the current theme, “Warriors, Sorcerers and Sages” where holism creates a “PICTORIAL – OBJECT – PHILOSOPHICAL” space.

The exhibition is characterized by sharing with the audience the opportunity to improve and give meaning to our own existence. Each piece shows us the path to liberation from all tribulation, pain and suffering both of mind, feelings and physical body, mostly caused by our beliefs, mental contents, perspectives and expectations, creating mostly and, in an unhealthy way, attachments, lack fears, false desires and clinging.

The understanding of the plastic work of Lourdes Botello inspires and leads to reflection and mental clarity to move into a personal work of “realizing one’s own conscience” and initiate the training of the mind to achieve equanimity, maturity and emotional stability.

For this artist, the creative capacity that we develop during the course of our lives is a journey of struggle and constant search which h she calls “The Road of the Warrior.”

Lourdes Botello has been for over 10 years an alternative therapist in management emotional restructuring, is a lecturer and business consultant on issues of human development.

In 2009 she began a project called “LIVE TODAY: ART FOR EVERYONE” which aims to support patients with different disabilities, motivate and encourage them to return to the field of art. Besides she carries out altruistic service in various foundations and supports projects for people living in unfortunate circumstances.

For Lourdes, iron represents the strength of temperance and determination, for that reason she chooses this material as a fundamental part in the construction of her work, each piece has been welded together to give life to “the Sorcerers”. It is noteworthy that each tool that forms these figures has an antiquity of more than 80 years and was used by the hands of Mexican peasants in the rough and hard work of ploughing, sowing and harvesting. Thus the rescue of these pieces gives greater meaning to the work of the artist and is a symbol of gratitude to the earth: “The Sages are erected in their honour.”

Finally, this set of philosophies, techniques and materials is inevitably influenced by a tribal current  – Universal, where there still lives the mysticism and magic emanating from the primitive and free spirit to achieve the alchemy that leads to wisdom of living in balance .

To this feeling have come to the premises of the artist, Shamans, Sorcerers and Babalaos filling the work with rituals, meditations and prayers with incense, snails, cigars, mezcal, incense and altars with flowers and pictures of deceased sages to bless the work and the guardians who have to guard your purchase of every piece of this unforgettable sample for the open eyes and hearts.

Ricardo Rocha 
January 2011



Technique: Sculpture object with mixed
Dimensions: 90 in.
Weight: 132 lbs.

No matter how many battles we win, in the end we found out that
there never was a war, that no one won, the fight was in vain
because there was no enemy, we made a “big ditch” and we have as
a medal and actually the incomparable pain caused loss, frustrating
mystery of “had” and rancour of the unforgivable, perhaps
unanswerable questions or late responses echo some because there
will be no one to hear them and so, each side will take your balance
and leave as “great warrior” looking for new enemies, new battles,
making senseless wars, winner while defeated, but at the turn of
time, one day, a glorious day will realize the soothing sound of
water, colour and odour the grass, the beauty of a sunset, from
simple and wonderful that we have, then we will regret having gone
through pointless battles, having fought bitter enemies now, but a
memory of victory are languishing pale spectres in our memory.

Ownership and control, destructive binomial. Unneeded!
In the wisdom of those who guard the love,
Art is learning without grasping.

The guardians of love learning to dance dancing,
Everything is living and learning no resistance and self
In them nor possession, attachment or control have no place.
Consciousness is convinced she is the custodian true love.
Only watching the ego the dukkha is eradicated.
Only by learning in action unexpected love will come as Nirvana,
Only the naive and unconscious aspires to easily reach that state,
The real Warrior transcends his ego and does not aspire,
living in every day’s art of, do not wait, do not aspire,
be brave, be action, Yours is the same face of love,
only then you will see Maya and death without ever exist…



Technique: Iron sculpture in oil on canvas
Dimensions: 27 x 15 in.


They practiced the alchemy of love,
the strength of the union between free
beings, evolved and conscious.
They achieved what few can, joy, enjoyment
and gratitude in each other’s company.
They made the house a home,
of the bed a sanctuary
and of the moons, accomplices of their
Quotidianity did not wilt their joy.
Is the Zen practice of everyday art,
because being handcuffed to time,
remained lovers always,
with a desire to innovate the dawn ritual
together again.


Technique: Sculpture Mixed object
Dimensions: 27 x 15 in.


The shaman walked the path of initiation,
performed the arduous journey of the Eightfold Path.

There is no shortcut to the art of equanimity.

The secrets of alchemy were revealed before him
and the mystical path opened the door to lucidity.

The search came to an end, the truth came
when the searcher found what he was looking for…

He was himself at the other end of the circle
It’s me and can be you as well


Technique: Sculpture Mixed object
Dimensions: 32 x 25 in.


Believing only to have no doubt,
Just having faith to believe.
At the end the beginning will be to start again.
I cannot eradicate the doubt,
and confusion will not let me receive;
it weakens me to be unable to decide.
It is a puzzle and a sage told me
without words from the heart:
Only the sound of the drum can guide you,
only the dum , dum of your own beat can be right,
decide in the no mind, that is the inner faith,
feel the drum and open bravely your inner self,
Therein lies the true strength of the heart.


Technique: Sculpture Mixed object
Dimensions: 32 x 25 in.


Clinging to beliefs,
creator of archetypes,
vulnerable to the mystery of life,
learned, did and made…
Lived himself important, had arrived,
was “great”, a real Napoleon.
In that walk lost grace,
spontaneity, his expression hardened,
His spirit withered.
The wheel stopped,
the noise of its requirements ceased,
in the silence of himself,
in a lethargy of conscience….
he returned to the magic of innocence
the nature of being a child forever…!


Technique: Collage on iron
Dimensions: 32 in. height


I lived among charts, schedules, and achetypes
But life and it’s unfathomable mysteries
Changed every time the way towards my dreams with divine will,
With alien circumstances called karma; butterfly effect .
I learnt to flow away and understood Pascal’s phrase,
“Only the heart knows the reason that reason itself unknows”.
I learn while walking that there’s no certainty about everthing turning out as I want
However, even if I can’t do anything to change it,
I do it all and finally get it.
Free of attachement and control my heart becomes virgin again when it laughs again.
When surprise finds me with it’s childlike face
Maybe Picasso was right when he said,
“And so we take too long learning to be children once gain”.
Then I travelled light of baggage…


Technique: Sculpture object with mixed
Dimensions: 32 in. x 25 in.


Clinging to beliefs,
creator of archetypes,
vulnerable to the mystery of life,
learned, did and made…
Lived himself important, had arrived,
was “great”, a real Napoleon.
In that walk lost grace,
spontaneity, his expression hardened,
His spirit withered.
The wheel stopped,
the noise of its requirements ceased,
in the silence of himself,
in a lethargy of conscience…
he returned to the magic of innocence
the nature of being a child forever…!


Technique: Iron sculpture on mixed
Dimensions: 32 in x 25 in.


Accustomed to the daily chaos
tired of the bustle of the chores
Fed up he paused and breathed conscious
of the prana, to retake the path to go.
He took the path of the Urban Hermit.
And sought asylum in the peace of silence.
He began as any and unlike any.
With intense practice the Wu-wei-wu.
Achieved mastery of living in Action
and parallel state of relaxation,
relaxed while on full alert.
He mastered the technique of jumping from the noise
of the asphalt, to the intimacy of deep reflection.
Now he goes out and he can return.
To the void of his own company,
peace of contemplation.
And thus he inhabits the calm amid the turbulence.


Technique: Sculpture object
Dimensions: 34 x 26 in.


I was a prisoner of the untamed mind,
bolted to the ego, anger and fear.

Then I declared ignorant, arrogant and selfpitying…
The apathy and mediocrity ceased, i made the
The path of the warrior was hard, cold and revealing.

The inner nature can be larger that all mental

“Today I declare myself the winner” Just a matter of “Realize”

Unhappiness is a decision.
Happiness is a conviction.


Technique: Sculpture mixed object
Dimensions: 23 x 15 in.


The ego was his company,
pride his shield
and arrogance his sword.
All that obstructs hardens
and withers the soul.
Then he changed course.
Since then his shield is joy,
his sword the love and madness his victory
which immunizes him against the neurotic existence
that takes him to the natural state of “Being Happy”


Technique: Sculpture mixed object
Dimensions: 23 x 15 in.


“We do not stop playing because we grow
we grow old because we stop playing. “
What good is poetry if you love with fear,
what good is knowledge,
if apathy knows more.
What good is experience if I play no more…
While I think, I feel that life is flowing away,
Then I get up, dance, jump
and sing a song of my existence,
I’m just who I am and I’m here today


Technique: Sculpture mixed object
Dimensions: 27 in. height

A Tilopa,or Teacher , shows it’s Naropa, or disciple,
-When you remember , let go as it is gone.
-When you imagine let go what may come on.
-When you think on let go what happens now.
-When you examine understand nothing.
-When you control don’t try to make something happen.
-Get some rest , relax now…
Interpretations and judgements deform our visión of reality because they force us to look present through the glasses of past . By doing this we’re no longer watching pure reality but the proyection
of our beliefs , prejudices , and paradigms .
Let’s not allow our mind put any names and then we’ll be able to percieve pure and crude reality.
To let the river of life flow and go , instead of swimming upstream . Allow life to embrace you , allow yourself to fell alive , allow life to happen in you ; that will be your hapiness and your legacy


Technique: Sculpture mixed object
Dimensions: 27 in. height

Each Naropa has it’s Tilopa.
Naropa is guided to cross over the bridge of its fears and deepest darkness.
He learns , practices and grows…
Looks inside of him.
Stays in the present.
Grows in compassion.
Thinks, feels and acts in the same direction.
That’s what a true Tilopa does ; then it is ready . Illuminated to find it’s own disciples and thus it happens till our days . Each person finds you to show you something , to be reflected or to be proyected . It learns from the masters which are not always wise; sometimes rather the opposite , but that’s his way. Observe, discern and learn , then you’ll get to be a true Tilopa and will pass on your exeriences and learnings to your new Naropas , and then you’ll trascend and that will be your best legacy in this earthly  plane.
“Who he doesn’t live to serve, can’t serve to live”.


Technique: Oil and acrylic on board finish Polyester
Dimensions: 19 x 19 in.

Mandalas talking on their signs,
sing riddles as oracle of Delphi,
deeper meanings that coordinate my senses
putting order in what I think, feel and say.
But if I see without looking, I will only earn
ignorance, if I love without feeling arrogance will
come, if I forget the heart to think, obfuscation and
chaos will invade me.

Only the message of the mandala can reminde me the path of balance.

The symbol is action.
The representation is optional.
I decide, I take the path of the initiate,
now I know that there will eternity arrive…


Technique: Installation with mixed technique
Dimensions: 59 x 17 in.

is the conquest of Dukha suffering
overcome attachements , to unite the mind , matter and spirit ,
is the way of the warrior.

Nothing remains , everything comes and goes , Dukkha is to retain.

No guarantees exist and never will exist,
is just a trick of the mind to eradicate fear.

The real mystery of life lies in the unknown.


Everything comes and goes ; He who understands this is free forever…